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What happens if you leave carbohydrate foods completely?

 What happens if you leave carbohydrate foods completely? Most people believe that carbohydrates cause weight gain. That's why they cut carbohydrate foods from their diet. Is this really true? Some people are saying, "After giving up carbohydrate-rich foods, high blood pressure and chronic diseases such as diabetes can be cured." Are carbohydrates really not necessary for the body? Does consuming carbohydrates lead to weight gain or does it have any negative health effects? Reducing the amount of carbohydrates is not harmful to health. But it is not advisable to give up carbohydrates completely. Carbohydrate is one of the three macronutrients. Apart from fats and proteins, the body also needs carbohydrates for daily functions. In this case, stopping its intake completely can increase the problem. Lack of energy Carbohydrates are the body's most important source of energy. If not enough carbohydrates are consumed, it often leads to feeling tired, weak and lethargic. La

Tuberculosis spread in children

 Tuberculosis spread in children Experts in this field say that the tuberculosis situation in Nepal is becoming dire because the active model of identifying tuberculosis patients in villages cannot be implemented. A 9-year-old girl was admitted to Kanti Children's Hospital. The parents had taken the child to four private hospitals after experiencing fever, occasional fainting, and flatulence, but the disease was not diagnosed. In the end, he suspected that he might have tuberculosis and administered medicine. The health condition of the girl became serious as she sometimes took and stopped taking medicine. Child respiratory and intensive care specialist Dr. Jagatjivan went to Ghimire. He suspected that the girl had tuberculosis and suggested to be tested. After a few days of testing, it was confirmed that he had tuberculosis. He came in a very serious condition. Tuberculosis had already affected various organs. Ghimire said, "He had to be treated in the ICU for three weeks.&qu

While the forensic department is looking for the body of the deceased...

 While the forensic department is looking for the body of the deceased... How are the dead bodies identified in the plane crash? Forensic Department of Terti Teaching Hospital in Maharajganj. On other days, the students studying in medical education were going back and forth. The atmosphere here was different on Wednesday. The bodies of the 18 deceased who died in the Sourya Airlines plane crash were taken to the forensic department of the hospital for post-mortem. Relatives gathered outside in the courtyard, all of them full of tears. Some are lying on the ground. Some are moaning and beating their chests. Relatives were trying to support each other. He was interested to see if there would be any information. The police micked from inside, only two relatives of the deceased should come inside. Relatives gathered outside hurriedly tried to get inside. The police guarding the gate asked only the relatives of the deceased to go inside as there was a large crowd inside. Relatives expresse

Why does kidney infection occur?

 Why does kidney infection occur? The function of the kidneys is to purify the blood, filter out the useless substances and take them out through the urine. The kidney is located in two parts near the spine of the body, which is the part near the urinary bladder. It contains bladder and urethra. In this case, if for some reason bacteria or virus infects the urinary tract and enters the kidney, we understand that the kidney has been infected. A kidney infection can affect one or both kidneys. Such a condition is called 'pyelonephritis' in medical language. the reason Kidney infection can happen at any age. But this problem is seen more in women than in men. The main reason for this is that the female urethra is relatively short. The risk of infection is high when the faeces and urination are close. If the urinary infection is frequent, it is easy for the infection to spread through the urinary tract to the kidney. Due to the increase in the size of the uterus during pregnancy, t

Causes of uric acid and how to control it

 Causes of uric acid and how to control it Uric acid is one of the acids in the blood. It is present in small amounts in the body and is soluble in water. It is excreted by the kidneys in the urine. But when the uric acid that is produced in excess in the body cannot be removed properly by the kidneys, then the uric acid in the blood increases. When the production of uric acid in the body increases, the kidneys cannot eliminate it completely. Due to which it starts accumulating in the joints and tissues. When the amount of uric acid in the body increases, not only joint pain and swelling, but also many other problems can occur. Cause of uric acid The level of uric acid in the body can increase due to many reasons. Uric acid is more common in kidney problems. Because uric acid is produced in the body, it is produced from the food we eat. The same thing has to be 'filtered' by the kidneys and come to our urine. But in kidney patients, uric acid does not filter, that's why uri

Cervical sarcoma can also be cancerous

 Cervical sarcoma can also be cancerous If it looks like a piece of meat or a girkha on any part of the body, it is known as a poko of wealth in the village. Some people may not even consider these girches as lumps of fat or muscles that have grown from exercise. Do not remain silent when such suspicious dalla or girkha come. Because some of these lumps of meat can be cancer like sarcoma, not normal. What is sarcoma cancer? Sarcoma is a type of cancer, which can be bone, joint, muscle. This cancer cell develops rapidly in the soft cells of the bone. Initially, this cancer develops in 'connective tissue' (tissue connecting two organs). Then gradually other areas start spreading. This cancer then spreads to the lungs. This cancer is considered rare but very deadly. Because there are more than 70 types of this cancer. Out of which two main types are soft tissue sarcoma and bone sarcoma. Which part of the body is more likely to develop sarcoma cancer? This cancer can occur anywhere