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6 mistakes that can weaken the mind

How important is a diet plan for a child?

 How important is a diet plan for a child? From the time the baby is born, only mother's milk is fed for 6 months. After the baby reaches the age of 5-6 months, complementary food is started along with milk. A child's digestive system is weak for 6 months, but after 6 months, the digestive system gradually becomes stronger. Therefore, the complementary food given to children after 6 months should be easily digestible. A mixture of gram, barley, wheat, corn, cashew nuts, almonds etc. is made and fed to the child. The child is also fed with milk and cow's milk. But the milk or milk prepared in this way may be indigestible or allergic to the child. Because not all children's bodies and digestive systems are the same. Some people eat that litto well and some don't. The child doesn't know how to tell me if he doesn't like it. Parents also asked why my child didn't eat milk why didn't he eat litto? They have never remembered why they did not eat milk. Ther

What happens to the body when there is a lack of vitamin E?

 What happens to the body when there is a lack of vitamin E? Vitamin E strengthens muscles and thins blood. It also works as an antioxidant. It also plays an important role in strengthening the immune system and protecting the body from various allergies. It also helps to control good cholesterol without increasing bad cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, this vitamin is very necessary for the human body. There are two types of vitamins - water soluble and fat soluble. Water-soluble vitamins include vitamin B1, vitamin B complex and vitamin C. But vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin. It should be included in regular daily diet. How much does the body need? According to people, its needs are different. Its requirement depends on the age. Infants to adolescents require 4 milligrams to 11 milligrams daily, while adults require 10 to 15 milligrams of the vitamin daily. Similarly, pregnant women need 5-6 milligrams more than normal people daily. An average of 20 to 30 milligrams is required.

Isn't it harmful to put a baby in a diaper?

 Isn't it harmful to put a baby in a diaper? It has become easier for parents since diapers started coming in the market. After wearing a diaper, the child gets relief from the trouble of making stools and urine. It has become easier to put the baby to sleep and take it outside with diapers on. That is why it has become mandatory to wear diapers to the baby these days. The use of diapers is correct to a certain extent, but its excessive use can be harmful. According to a study by Times Up India, earlier, a chemical called 'Falit' was found in baby diapers. The chemical was found to increase the risk of metabolic disorders, diabetes, liver disorders and even cancer by coming into contact with the skin. Recently, many types of diapers are available in the market. You should choose a diaper for your baby that uses less chemicals and plastic. Using diapers can cause these problems for the baby Diapers are made of chemicals and synthetic materials. Many parents put their baby in

What position should a pregnant woman sleep in?

 What position should a pregnant woman sleep in? Pregnancy is the happiest and most exciting time of a woman's life. A mother weaves a world of colorful dreams for her unborn child. For this dream, they bear a lot of pain and give birth to children. Pregnancy is a very serious and important situation for a mother. In this case, they have to make changes in their daily behavior from eating. Doctors say that mothers should pay attention not only to food but also to sleep during pregnancy. In which position to sleep during pregnancy? How can you and your baby be comfortable while sleeping? It is important to pay attention to this. Every work done by the mother has a direct effect on the unborn child. Usually, a pregnant mother has difficulty sleeping. For the health of both the mother and the unborn child, it is necessary to know about the way of sleeping. Which improves the health of both mother and child. In which position to sleep during pregnancy? Since the weight of the stomach i

A moment during a risky surgery

 A moment during a risky surgery "Dr. Saap, is his treatment possible?'' Vimala Kashyap of Sunsari Chatra asked me. She had sent such a video on Facebook Messenger, who is at high risk of pregnancy. As soon as I saw the video of that pregnant woman who was going through a complicated problem, I said, 'Treatment is possible.' I had to give this answer both ethically and professionally. Because I am an obstetrician. My job is to support safe delivery. Another thing, I am human. A complex patient who is disadvantaged. To save her life, I am more motivated by my human feelings. Vimala said, "He needs treatment, but he doesn't have anything." "Nothing" means no money for treatment. I said in reply, 'I will do the work on my behalf for free. I will also ask for help from the hospital. It was seven o'clock in the morning. That's all we talked about. Last week of May. It was around 9:30 pm. The pregnant woman was brought to the hospital

Opening a Vegetable Shop in Nepal: Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions

Opening a Vegetable Shop in Nepal: Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions ## Introduction Starting a vegetable shop in Nepal is a promising business venture due to the consistent demand for fresh produce. This report provides a comprehensive guide on the opportunities, challenges, and solutions for establishing a successful vegetable shop in Nepal, considering the current market situation. ## Opportunities ### High Demand 1. **Local Consumption**: Fresh vegetables are a staple in Nepalese diets, ensuring a steady demand from households. 2. **Restaurants and Hotels**: The hospitality industry requires a continuous supply of fresh vegetables for their daily operations. ### Health Consciousness 1. **Organic Produce**: There is a growing market for organic vegetables as more consumers become health-conscious and seek chemical-free options. 2. **Local Sourcing**: Consumers prefer locally sourced produce, which is fresher and supports local farmers. ### Urbanization 1. **Growing Urban Popu

Musculoskeletal disorder is a serious problem related to bones, learn about it

 Musculoskeletal disorder is a serious problem related to bones, learn about it Our body is a complex machine, in which bones, muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and cartilage make up the musculoskeletal system. This system helps in structure, stability and movement of the body. The function of bones is to keep the structure of the body in order and muscles help in keeping the movement of your body in order. Apart from this, joints connect bones, ligaments provide stability to joints, tendons connect muscles to bones and cartilage protects joints from friction. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are the malfunctions of this system. Musculoskeletal disorders can occur for many reasons. Some of the main reasons for this are as follows- Injuries: Falls, sports injuries, weight lifting injuries are common causes of musculoskeletal disorders. Injuries can cause bones to break (fracture), ligaments to stretch (sprain), tendons to become inflamed (tendinitis) or muscles to strain. Overuse: Doin

What kind of diet plan to follow to live a long life?

 What kind of diet plan to follow to live a long life? Unorganized diet and lifestyle can cause various health problems. This can lead to prolonged illness and sudden death. According to health experts, whatever we eat directly affects our health. Therefore, if you want to avoid diseases and live a long life, you should first improve your diet. Some researchers say that people who eat the Mediterranean diet may be protected from many serious health problems. In this regard, Harvard University researchers have said in a recent study that the "Mediterranean diet" not only protects against cancer and heart problems, but can also reduce the risk of death from serious diseases by 23 percent. This type of diet plan has been found to be very beneficial for women. What is the Mediterranean Diet? The Mediterranean diet consists mainly of plant foods and healthy fats. In this diet, mostly green vegetables, fruits and fibrous whole grains can be eaten, while it is advised to use olive o

Will this drug prove to be a panacea in the treatment of migraine?

 Will this drug prove to be a panacea in the treatment of migraine? About one billion people worldwide suffer from severe headaches or migraines. This is such a disease, due to which the headache is unbearable and it is impossible to do daily work. Thus, there is good news for those who are suffering from migraines, there is an effective medicine for curing migraines. According to the news published in BBC, such a medicine has been made to get rid of migraine, which is proving to be very effective. The name of this medicine is Remazipent. According to researchers, this migraine medicine blocks the effect of a chemical called CGRP. This is the same chemical that causes severe headaches. This drug dissolves quickly in the body and stops the effects of the headache before it occurs. After long research, this drug has been approved for general use. The drug has been approved for international use and is being used in 80 countries, including the United States. Also read this Is the headache

Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Nepal: A Comprehensive Guide

 Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Nepal: A Comprehensive Guide Nepal, a landlocked gem nestled in the heart of the Himalayas, is a country that captivates the imagination with its stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality. From the towering peaks of the world's highest mountains to the serene valleys and ancient temples, Nepal offers a unique and enchanting experience for travelers. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the diverse facets of this extraordinary nation, covering its geography, culture, history, and the myriad of experiences awaiting those who venture to this South Asian jewel. Geography and Natural Wonders One cannot speak of Nepal without marveling at its breathtaking geography. Dominated by the majestic Himalayan range, Nepal is home to eight of the world's fourteen highest peaks, including the renowned Mount Everest. The diverse topography ranges from the towering mountains in the north to the fertile plains in the south, making Nepal

How can a person prolong his life?

How can a person prolong his life? Ken Tanaka of Japan is one of the longest living people in the world. She lived for 119 years. What is the key to living such a long life? In an interview organized by the Japan National Tourism Organization, Tanaka said, "I think the only secret to living a long life is to do what you want to do." Therefore, eat the food you want to eat from your heart, do what you like, enjoy every day. She was fond of coffee and chocolate. Besides food, he was also interested in games. Tanaka loved to solve board games and math puzzles. Tanaka says the only secret to longevity is 'joy'. "Whatever you do, wherever you are, you should be happy every moment," she used to say. It is said that man does not control his own death. So every person must die after living a certain life span. However, in order to live a full life, people have to take special care in their diet, lifestyle, and state of mind. It has been mentioned in various studies

How do you know if a market banana is poisonous or not?

How do you know if a market banana is poisonous or not? Banana is an evergreen fruit that is rich in nutrients. Bananas are rich in iron, calcium and vitamins. But sometimes bananas can prove to be harmful to health. Bananas can be harmful to health if chemicals and pesticides are used in it. Therefore, it is important for consumers to know something about bananas available in the market. What types of bananas are available in the market? Malbhog banana, Chini Champa, Dhusre, Mungre etc. are the most popular and available in the market. Among these different varieties of bananas, Malbhog bananas are preferred by many. Although local production can meet the demand in the Nepali market, bananas are imported in large quantities in India as well. Do bananas ripen on the plant or are they cooked? Banana is a 'climacteric fruit' i.e. a fruit that ripens even after being picked from the plant. But bananas also ripen on the plant. Ethylene is a hormone that is naturally produced in fru

What is a 'low carb diet'?

What is a 'low carb diet'? When thinking about losing body weight, cutting down on carbohydrates comes to mind. Reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the diet for weight loss is also good to some extent. So now many people are starting to follow low carb diet and keto diet to control their weight. Reducing carbohydrates in the diet not only helps in weight loss, it also gives us many other health benefits. But does the body need carbohydrates? Is a low carb diet equally beneficial for everyone? What to pay attention to before going on a low carb diet? A conversation with nutritionist Praniti Singh on this topic: What is a low carb diet? How many calories a normal person needs daily. 60 percent of it comes from carbohydrates, 25 percent from protein and the remaining 15 percent from fat. However, in a low carb diet, if 60 percent of the calories from carbohydrates are reduced to 5 to 10 percent, then that is a ketogenic low carb diet. Also, if you eat up to 30% carbohydrates i