Reasons and solutions for men's breasts to resemble women's breasts A 25-year-old man said that for the past few years, his chest has become like a woman's breast. Therefore, he said that he should not change his clothes in the presence of other men. The reason for the size of her breasts is that her body is producing sex-steroid hormones in excess of what is needed? A man's chest resembling a woman's breast is medically called 'gynaecomastia'. This is the growth of the areola and the surrounding area of the male chest and taking the shape of a woman's breast. Regardless of gender, all humans have both male hormones-androgens and female hormones-estrogens. The period of physical and hormonal changes that occur during the process of becoming an adult is called 'puberty' in English. It starts between 9 and 14 years of age for males. During puberty, the amount of androgens and estrogens in the body can change and increase to various levels, so a
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